Given hardships please know there are organizations to help people feed their animals. We want offering suggestions where to look for help if needed and ways you can help.

 Small business related to animals

We hear it all the time, support small businesses, but let’s say it differently.  Small businesses hire nearly 50% of the US work force and when these businesses close permanently is a breaking of bones of our economy.  So, we urge you to please consider supporting small business related to animals.

 Where to turn if you need help feeding your animals

There are several paths to find organizations if you need help in feeding your animals and though the following are suggestions check resources in your local area for specifics. Ask animals shelters if they have resources, they can direct you to, consider looking for pet pantries, nonprofits, charities and pet food banks. There are also Meals On Wheels pet programs who also assist senior citizens.   


Check with the local animal shelters in your area even if you are not sure what you can do.  Just contact them, they have answers. The same organizations that offer help are also the same organizations in which one could donate.  Don’t forget zoos and other animal organizations that can have massive needs just based on the diversity of animals and their specific needs and to highlight that the following is a video from DENVER ZOO and what it takes to feed their animals.


Moving forward, for forward advances on the power of hope nearly everyone can easily support such worthy causes be it an organization and/or small business by tattooing them on your social media. 

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