Hello!  Thank you for visiting Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat! As a self-taught photographer and animal enthusiast, combining the two Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat highlights the work of S. Mason. Our first visitor was from India. Since then, from around the world, Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat, viewers have come. Welcome indeed!  Thank you for becoming part of the landscape of Animal Blogging with Dill The Cat.
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               Passion Through Membership

As lifelong members of Denver Zoo and members of Denver Museum of Nature and Science over 20 years we speak about these organizations from our encounters when we say the museum and zoo are not places to go but rather places to indulge in the experience.  

Memberships have a lot of perks, but it also connects people to their passions and that unto itself makes membership a different kind of home. 

May we suggest in some manner support non-profits whose passion is to enhance the quality of life of animals. 

Donations.  Volunteer. Membership. Worthy gifts.  

With a certificate of appreciation from Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance, Connie, Matt, and Rachel also worked in a fluid team spirit to create a very thoughtful resource book of the Denver Zoo that is very much appreciated. The copyrighted covers are the actual footprints of a lion and an elephant trunk. "Thank you" is just the threshold of our gratitude.                                                                                                               

End Of Life And...

The decision to euthanize is really more of a reckoning that reality of circumstance makes the decisiveness outcome, hence 18 years after bringing Yoshi home, comes the breaking of the heart to return to the Denver Dumb Friends League. 

A person who has never loved an animal could never understand and to those who do, such a tenderized grief, silence is not a void of words inasmuch as silence becomes another kind of language.

We thank Denver Dumb Friends League’s staff members Waun and Adam for their respectful compassion. Returning home, in our email Waun sent us a beautiful memory, a memory nearly two decades old, pictures of Dill and Yoshi when they were residents of Denver Dumb Friends League, and we would like to share them with Dill’s audience.

Compassion, born so often from tragedy, softens the dark corners of death.  

                                                  A Promise Kept

When we went to Denver Dumb Friends League with the intentions of bringing one cat into our home we were told the person who surrendered Dill and Yoshi asked that they were adopted together. Without Mason and I looking at each other we both promised to give them a forever home. Dill passed away about a year before Yoshi. To the stranger who had Dill and Yoshi before us, that we will never meet, we kept that promise and if we could say anything to their past guardian it would be, both cats (indoor) had very safe, long and happy lives and to those who must surrender an animal we hope Dill and Yoshi's journey offer you some peace in your grief. 

Compassion, born so often from tragedy, softens the dark corners of death...and life.

THE ARK - On Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat


Pardon our construction on Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat as we move things around and when we are completed, we hope that you enjoy it. 

The Universal Lanuage, Music by DEEP FOREST      

This picture Mason took was early on as he self-taught photography.

This picture of a lizard originally photographed in black and white using artistic expression Mason colored.

This snake's colors are not with an artistic expression. One can never assume what kind animals they will see at a zoo.    
    From Mason's photography Cheetahs In The Grass.


When we brought Luna into our home from the Denver Dumb Friends League, she was a solid black kitten and within a few months she began changing colors, growing a gray mane that traveled down her chest, to her belly.  We never heard of a black cat changing colors and reading about it we learned Luna was defined as a black smoke cat.  At best based on what we read black smoke cats are rare. Luna also has the distinctive trait of responding to her nicknames, Lulu, Little Girl, and Sugar Cookie. Then we went back to the different kind of diamond store.                                                                 

This is Chowder, who came into our home from the Denver Dumb Friends League too.  Chowder was a feral cat who lived in the backyard of a caring person who fed him but was unable to bond with him. The food giver was the only human contact Chowder had with people and as an adult cat we were told the odds were Chowder would never bond with us. He was litterbox trained and that was enough that we would give him a forever home.  Chowder enjoys looking outside but he has no interest whatsoever of going there. Chowder never became accustomed to closed doors, but he enjoys looking at videos made for cats on YouTube while laying on an electric blanket in the winter. Not seen in this picture Chowder is also a black smoke cat. His "smoke" is a grayish mane. 
Color glazing photography by Mason                 
 For the best viewing experience enlarge video. 

              PABLO'S COFFEE

Just gorgeous.

In the color palette of it.

In the fantasy of it.

In the movement of it as it tells a story that wraps around to the side of the building…  Yes, a building.

Pablo’s Coffee on East Colfax gave a gifting of the building as a canvas to a pair of artists and they in turn gifted East Colfax and the city of Denver with a different form of oxygen, engaging beautiful art.    

So one day we were driving by Pablo’s Coffee and talked about how wonderful if a mural could be done on the building and when a day came that we saw two artists painting we had to stop and talk to them, two men, an American and an Australian.  I will never forget the Assie’s face when Mason mentioned his favorite bird, a cassowary.  He told Mason that he was the only person he had met who knew about cassowaries.  

We talked about their art, their creative process, being gifted with a canvas, and the conversation was just so wonderful, and we were so excited we forgot to ask their names. We mentioned Dill and how we wanted to post their finished piece on her blog. So, if the artists are reading this, please drop us a comment so we can attach your names to your creation. 

When the project was completed and we returned to take pictures, customers told us how much they too appreciated the art.  One couple told us when they drove by their son was in awe of the building’s art. The memories of other customers’ smiles and words are ours but truly those memories belonged to Pablo’s Coffee and the artists.

On Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat, we are always grateful to business owners who allow their establishments to be used in such a giving expression to artists, so thank you Pablo’s Coffee and the artists. If it was up to Mason and me, cities would provide an incentive to businesses and artists when they collaborate, and the results are beauty breathes in the city.