THE ARK - On Animal Blogging With Dill The Cat


               A lake and pond, the difference?

Based on the website Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons-- There is no actual universally standardized technical distinction between the lakes and ponds. So, we had to read further, collecting data to define their differences with other characteristics.  

To a greater degree lakes and ponds can be described in general terms based on the norm of their characteristics.  Generally speaking, lakes are wider, larger, and deeper.  Because of this lake water have several levels of temperatures, the deepest water the coldest, and the warmest water the surface. 

Ponds tend to be smaller in size, thus less wide, plus swallow in depth, and have one uniformed temperate. In winter ponds tend to freeze completely whereas lakes do not. Lakes can produce waves and ponds produce, at best, ripples.  At a pond’s deepest depth aquatic plants can grow and sunlight can reach the bottom, and generally speaking those traits are not found in lakes. 🐟 



It is sweet and musky at the same time.  Earthy.  Rain is such a beautiful scent one does not simply smell it but inhale it…deeply. But what gives rain that intoxicating scent of freshness?  Would you have guessed, bacterial spores, ozone and plant oils?💧

 How did the Dead Sea get its name?

The Dead Sea is such an odd name considering life cannot exist without water. But the Dead Sea is unusual beyond just its name such as it is not even a sea but a lake and the lowest point on the planet (almost 10,000 feet) below sea level. The Dead Sea got its name from the lack of life, in it’s water and surrounding land, based on being one of the most hyper saline places on earth.💦                                  
An artistic expression added to a blue ringed octopus at Denver Museum Of Nature and Science. 

Dogs, Cats, and One Pig...
Denver Dumb Friends League's Pet Derby

We define an animal shelter as a different kind of diamond store and in 1992 Mason entered his first two cats, Kujo and Panther, in the Denver Dumb Friends League’s Pet Derby that also included dogs and one pig.

Panther was an absolute black beauty. I use to place my pearl bracelets on his fur because he made them look more beautiful but I stopped practice when he ran off with them. He also had a beautiful personality, so laid back and kind his nickname was Mr. Silk; seldom in all the years we had him did we hear Panther hiss. Given his intelligence his other nickname was Mr. President.  As we flipped a light switch on, he would look up at the ceiling light. He got it.    

Then there was Kujo.

On her vet medical records her name was written in red. When Panther entered our home Kujo was so pissed, she went into the basement, then inside a closet, and once there in the dark, facing a wall in the corner, she sat. Over the years bringing other cats into our home, they all looked at Kujo with a side-eye given her personality. She wasn’t mean but let’s just say only with Mason she was a Babygirl and with everyone else she was not in the mood but even so there was something about Kujo’s salty personality that made her even more endearing.  

For the derby the dogs were outside, the cats were inside a large room, and someone came with their small pig. People were very different back then and in good spirit and welcomed laughter the pig was included with the cats.

With several categories offered people could enter their pets to win and Mason selected the category, cats who look like someone famous.  Putting a big yellow bow around Panther’s neck for the costume to present Kujo and Panther as a couple, with the cats in their carriers and taking a big brown paper sack we arrived at the derby early so Kujo could be introduced to the environment slowly.

Once there, Mason opened the paper sack that he placed on the floor next to Kujo’s carrier and wearing a red leash Kujo came out of her carrier and immediately went deep into the sack and remained.

Babygirl was not in the mood.

Panther sat on Mason’s lap somewhat startled at seeing a pig but otherwise he remained laid back and even closed his eyes as the room filled up with people and their cats. Mason did not notice as he was looking at all the cats but I caught the side-eye as people looked at this sack on the floor, the red leash moving now and then, wondering about the cat inside.  

I can’t recall the category, but it was all in good fun the pig won an award at the cat show.    

When it was time for the cats who looked like someone famous one at a time guardians came to the front of the room with their costumed cats and the audience had to guess who they were before their guardians gave the answer. 

When it was Panther and Kujo's turn, I carried Panther and Mason, carrying the sack, still unseen, carried Kujo to the front of the room.  It was so funny as people leaned forward as Mason slowly pulled Kujo from her sack, and befittingly, once she was out, some people blinked and Kujo wetly, sincerely, hissed at everyone. Only cat people would understand how funny it was. Even now when I think about that moment I still giggle.  

When asked to guess what famous couple Panther and Kujo and were representing the room became silent.  When Mason told the audience who they were everyone laughed, some applauded, and Panther and Kujo came in first place.  Can you guess what famous couple, with a big yellow bow around Panther’s neck and Kujo’s personality who they were? At the bottom of the page is the answer.

It's a beautiful thing when a once feral cat
 responds to his name
It's a beautiful thing when a once feral cat responds to his name.  This is Chowder, a black smoke cat and in the sunlight you can see the smoke (a gradient of gray and white fur) in his mane. He loves to look out the windows but shows no interest in going outside. He also enjoys watching pet videos on YouTube made for animals to watch, and in the winter he really enjoys watching his videos while laying on an electric blanket, toasty warm. As in all of our animals we love him.  


🐇In Colorado the governor signed a bill capping rent prices for pets.  If you are interested about doing the same in your state you might find this interesting reading.

🙀Here’s a video found on YouTube about helping animals without shelter Dill would like to share. How to build a winter cat shelter | BC SPCA - YouTube

🐶Purina creates safe spaces for victims of domestic violence and their pets. Purina Creates Safe Spaces for Domestic Abuse Survivors Because Purina Cares - Purple Leash Project - YouTube                      

🐺 Colorado releases its first 5 gray wolves as part of reintroduction plan - YouTube

 🦩A group of flamingos is called, rightly so, a flamboyance. A baby flamingo is called a flaminglet. Flaminglets begin life drinking milk and it's red. Flamingos Produce Milk? Yep, And This Is How & Why (

🦁Denver Zoo, fluid as water, is forever changing...emerging... growing.  It will never have a conclusion of being. It is a modern-day ark whose work extends beyond its gates and literally across the world. Welcome to Denver Zoo

No place else can a person visit and transcend time to witness more than one could see in lifetime than a museum and to know this is to realize that a museum is truly a virtual library.  Denver Museum Of Nature & Science : Denver Museum of Nature & Science (

A spotless giraffe

This is Chowder, who came into our home from the Denver Dumb Friends League.  Given his history, with very little contact with humans, he now enjoys videos made for cats on YouTube while laying on an electric blanket. Not seen in this picture Chowder is a black smoke cat. His "smoke" is a grayish mane. He is our second black smoke cat, and based on our readings, they are rare. 
When we brought Luna into our home from the Denver Dumb Friends League, she was a solid black kitten and within a few months she began changing colors, growing a gray mane that traveled down her chest, to her belly.  We never heard of a black cat changing colors and reading about it we learned Luna was defined as a black smoke cat.  At best based on what we read black smoke cats are rare and Mason defined her beauty as "Everything she sits next to will look better." Luna also has the distinctive trait of responding to her nicknames, Lulu, Little Girl, and Sugar Cookie.                                                      
               Coloring Glazing Animal Photography by S. Mason 
                 (for the best viewing experience enlarge video) 


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of your great blogging! I'm so glad that that Denver Zoo is such a place for inspiration and happiness for many city residents!


Thank you for your kind words. Mason is currently working on creating a second blog named after one of the animals of Denver Zoo because the zoo is truly inspiring, a beautiful world. As life long members of Denver Zoo we encourage others not yet members to join Denver Zoo, a modern day ark.